• Multi-Level Authorization.
  • Activity Based Document Approved.
  • Automatic Reminder by SMS or Email.
  • Dynamic Data Analysis System with Dashboard.
  • User roles can be defined as per their criteria.
  • User rights can be defined.
  • Live procuring.
  • Audit Trials & User Report.
  • Utility chat board.
  • Due Expenses Report – Tyre, Maintenance, Insurance, Tax, Permit etc.
  • Party-wise, Branch-wise Monitoring Unbilled Report, Booking report, Stock report, Delivery report & Auto Renewal.
  • Auto Invoicing by Contract Master
  • E-Invoicing, E-Way Billing.
  • Branch wise Monitor Strategy.
  • Branch Transfer Note.
Shruham Software Automatic Logistic Tools ERP for Transportation Mumbai India
Shruham Software Automatic Logistic Tools ERP for Transportation Mumbai India


  • Our Process is based on AI and Robotic Methodology system. It can generate all required Information, alerts, and MIS on the basis of given parameters automatically and send to Stakeholders on their Inbox, text messages and WhatsApp for quick action.
  • User Friendly Document Designer.
  • Query Based Report Designer Tools.
  • Profit & Lost, Cost Centre in Transaction.
  • Fleet Management Efficiently Manages & Handles.
  • Security at all Layers.
  • QR Bar Code Integration.
  • Reduce Expenses.
  • Optimized Delivery Strategy
  • Automated Work Flow Branch wise User wise.
  • Alerts & Notifications based on all transactions.